Cutting Services:
Women’s Hair cut & Blow Dry Style: $90.00+
Men’s $25.00+
Children $18.00 +
Texture only $15.00+
Bang trim $10.00
Beard and Mustache Trim $12.00
Mustache only or Beard only Trim $ 10.00
Conditioning Services:
Deep Conditioner $25.00+
Hair clarification treatment $20.00+
Styling Services:
Shampoo & Blow Dry Style $30.00+
-additional flat iron/curl service $45.00+
Special Occasion Service $75.00+
Bridal Special Occasion Service
– In-salon service $95.00+
-On location service $125+ (please call for quote)
Color Services:
Initial color change service $150.00+
Retouch only $90.00+
Retouch with a refresh to ends $100.00+
Demi color service $55.00+
Demi color serv w/chemical svc $25.00+
Brow tint service $20.00 (included in color service)
Color shine service $45.00+
Color Correction $ call for quote
Color Removal $30.00 per application
Dimensional Coloring Services:
Full head Highlights and/or Lowlights $150.00+
Partial head Highlights and/or Lowlights $95.00+
Face framing Services:
-Highlights or Lowlights $35.00+
Mini Foil service $55.00+
Highlights or Lowlights combo $35-55.00+ additional
Texture Volume/Extension Services:
Classic Perm $95.00+
Specialty Perm $125.00+
Partial Perm $65.00+
-Halo Couture Extensions
-Short2Long Extensions (Purchase Hair)
(Clip-in or Individual Extensions Available) Call for color availability and quote
Micro-bead Extensions-First Time Service $175+
Micro-Bead Extension-Touch-up Service $100+
Waxing Services:
Bow, Lip, Or Chin service $15.00 each
Combo (2) $22.00
Combo (3) $33.00
Smoothing Keratin Service:
Brazilian Blowout Treatment $275.00+
(lasts up to approx- 4 months)
Demi Brazilian Blowout Treatment $135+
(30 day service)